Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Wait is the Hardest Part

Now I have no desire to shoot anything, although with this past two weeks it would have been some great stress relief...  If you read my last post, or have heard from me in person you would know that I just went through a bunch of scan all because I started to have daily headaches.  2 MRI's a CT scan and a bunch of x-rays later I only a bit more than I knew about two weeks ago.  I have a hole in my skull, and a rather large one that my brain is pushing through and we now know also down.  What took the doctor so darn long to get back to me was that it looked like I some extensive work done on my skull but my medical records show I have not.  I know I have not and when I grilled family member they know I have not, so that leads to one thing.  


Only joking, but when my brother and then a very close friend threw that out their I laughed really really hard.

The next step is that I have finally been referred to a neurosurgeon, and for anxiety sake I pray they call soon.... or else I will be calling to bug them and you can ask my doctors office I am a prescient little bugger.  My doctor said that when they discover things like this it is most of the time by accident and the person has no symptoms and they just monitor it, but because I have having so many heath issues because I should prepare myself to hear the word "surgery", most likely upon the first visit.  

That is all I know for now, but I promise for updates when I know them.  I would like to thank everyone for the awesome prayer and support and don't forget to be awesome. 


  1. I'm glad you can keep some sense of humor to help you get through this. I'm still praying...

    1. Thanks for the continued prayers! Humor has always been my way of dealing with things and it is really a blessing in disguise.
