Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sunday Funnies

What 2 posts in one week?   *say fallow with head bob*  Gurl people are going to being to expect things of you.  

However don't get to excited just yet, but do read and have a good laugh at the fallowing.  You do however get about a months worth of funnies, because I know the five of you that read this have missed them, and you are all quite worth it.

I am pretty sure the owner will never know who did it...

Is this even possible??? Kudos to the creative writing.

My current cover letter

Does this really need an explanation?


Once again CATS ARE EVIL

The answered request of cute babies, and what is better than babies eating Lemons??

No one had ever claimed racoons to be the smartest theif


I am sure he is making his father proud and his mother roll her eyes.

Who is not making fun of the government right now?

And finally in honor of The Walking Dead starting tonight

(spoiler below picture)

R.B.I. Dale, thanks for always showing the group humanity and always reminding Rick he still has it even when you are gone.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Because it Mattered

Ok so maybe it was like a year ago, but about 3 months ago I decided to step further into this.  To let myself be happy even though my current situation is well lets be honest...crappy. To be ok with the fact that I am done with religious life and to accept the person my past has made me.  For far too long I kept it as two separate things because I am not the same person I was three years ago, in fact I was scared of that person.  I went from being a depressed, timid, quiet, introvert.  To more of an extrovert who speaks there mind and goes after conflict.  I went from a person who just went with it so I was not noticed, to more of a maverick  because I have had the freedom to be who I was indented to be (Lord help those who have stuck with me through this change).  But my past that was not something that I had fully accepted into my life because I don't think I was ready but now (being past few months) as John Green so eloquently puts it....

And that is ok, in fact it's ok if it always hurts in some aspects because I have finally come to the conclusion that some things you can never forget and leave behind, but you can accept and go one.   There will be hurt and bad and pain but more importantly there will also always be light, and one to turn to at the end of the day who understand its all.