Monday, July 29, 2013

The Tale of the Smell Came From Nothing

Monday was suppose to be the "let's not post, so you do not seem obsessed with your upcoming  blogging schedule.   Yes, I set a schedule... (we'll see how long that one lasts.) but after todays events I felt the need to share what goes on in little old Rachel's head. 

After an eventful morning of running around like a crazy person I returned home.  About 20 minutes later I had a "what is that smell ??" thought.  I did a pit check, took out all the garbage, checked the fridge the sink and the nooks and crannies of my place for dead beings and found NOTHING.  Now by this time the smell had become a horrific rotten egg smell and after a goggle search (google and webmd are going to be listed under causes of anxiety is the new DMS-6*) I knocked on my neighbors door to ask if they smelled the rotten egg.  They could and after a small discussion we decided to chill on the porch and call the landlord.  

It is probably a good time to point out that our building is entirely electric and upon checking the basement there was no smell or sewage leakage.  So back on track.... neighbor calls the landlord, he does not answer so he calls his wife ( joint landlord) and she gets ahold of him yada yada yada, he cannot come till he gets off of work at 5, and it is 3:30.  So we chill outside a bit longer, upon that time I find out that the suspicious dudes across the street are indeed suspicious.  They are drug dealer and the police are fallowing them due to a spree of car break ins.  They all have multiple babies mamas and have had multiple drug raids. ( Stay classy Macomb).  Good old neighbor bonding right??? Too bad I do not smoke or we would have been besties.  We eventually all decided to go in and if it is sewer gas, it cant be that bad and if it is only the good die young or at least that is what I told myself.... 40 minutes later Landlord arrives to the smell being totally gone.  Vanished in thin air, and I am pretty sure he thought we were crazy, but tried to make us feel better by saying "call if it returns."  I however had only one thing on my mind the whole entire time.  Creepy Are you Afraid of the Dark pool monster.  Not only did the 90's make my childhood awesome but they forever changed how I will react to smells... like rotten eggs.  Because what else would cause a mysterious nasty egg smell besides a creepy water monster?  But be warned water monster I am onto you and will have "monster spray" and Holy Salt at the ready. 

and if you are truly bored the whole episode (click below)... 

*DMS stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.  They are currently on numero 5

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