Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Flashback Tuesday

Today you will be sparred for the boring history lesson because there are about 400 pictures that go along with this post... ok ok maybe not 400 but well you will see...

Now Lets flashback to the time France and more specifically Paris (the place not a person) tried to kill me.

It all started when this beautiful group of people worked our butts off fundraising in all form to raise a couple grand each for a European pilgrimage.  

The lovely lady to my left is awesome, and the lovely lady to my right was referred to as my twin and by the end of the trip we just told people we were sister.  And Em some things never change hu?

We ate and were merry till the lovely Werner and Meizis families took us to the airport.  Where we waiting and stared a lot at this excitedly

And entertainded each other with stories and food and what not

We arrived in grand Paris and Lindsay, Laura and I sang this song over and over again...

However Paris did in fact not hold the key to my heart by the end of the week.  But first we had awesome events like....

Seeing this thing

And then getting caught in the rain under it...

And then it raining some more on a boat tour

And eating the best lamb I have ever had

Also an awesome bakery right next to where we were staying.  However it would be Paris baked good that would later try to take me out....

Fast forward a few days to when we were on our way to Lourdes.  The trip itself was delayed because the train workers were on strike, so we spent the night on a nonmoving train and then the next day waited to run to the train in order to board it and make our way to Lourdes.  That morning some Canadians who were Catholic and clung to our group a little bit offered us some of the yummy backed goods above.  Now when they got to me I asked, "is that chocolate or Nutella?"  They assured me it was chocolate and being a trusting human I took a piece.  Instantly upon eating I turned to Lindsay and said, "That was not chocolate, it was Nutella."  She responded with a "How do you know?"  And I calmly as day said, "Because my throat is closing up."  Now it was not that she did not believe me, but I had said it so calmly and was still so calm that it was not until I downed 8 yes 8 Benadryl and told Laura that people started to panic.  While my throat was closing I had just taking enough Benadryl to knock out a large Dog and stop it.  We also has a nurse with us and my vitals were fine and if I used my EpiPen it meant that we had 30 min to get me to the hospital where we had no idea where it was, and then attempt to get to Lourdes while there was still a strike going on.  So we waiting.  

I looked like this

Highly red and drugged.. but relief came in a comedic form when a pigeon missing several toes flew in and slid in Tom Cruise Risky Business style

So Lindsay and I gave him the very approperate name of Tom Cruise 

And because Tom Cruise the pigeon was such a comic relief I vowed to be nice to them for the rest of the trip....

Anyway about 20 minutes after popping the Benadryl we got the green light to run toward the trains and our group did... with Laura pushing me from behind yelling for me to go and go faster... we successfully made it aboard and I passed out, to wake up when we were arriving here...

Which was quite nice, but due to my severe allergic reaction I had the joy of going to the doctor twice, once for the first reaction and than again for a secondary reaction, and was quite medically high for the rest of the trip, and to this day I swear European Predizone has some more hard core stuff in it than the American kind.  

However that did not stop an awesome trip...

And some good "high" quotes from me such as "Laura can do that because she is a soccer player" when she was just waking, and quite a few assisted touring walks from Laura, Linsday and Luke because I could not walk straight.  Luke also came to to rescue several times during Mass when I would go to stand and then almost fall over.  (See what I mean about the drugs being more hard core?)  Alas it was still an amazing trip and would make it again with those amazing peps again but this time no food from strangers.  Fast forward a week and I was on the mend under my good old docs care, and finally decided to try out the chew and dispose toothbrush with Lindsay that we got on the trip.  

It was quite nasty.

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