Friday, August 2, 2013

7 Quick Takes

1.  I have been struggling for the past month and a half to find a book I can get into.  I tried new/ old popular books, past books I loved, and even books recommended by friends.  Nothing was catching my attention and as an avid reader and lover of book I was becoming frustrated.  Then Amazon emailed my saying several books on my wish list were on sale so I bought.... 

Ender's Game is one of those books on the read before it becomes a movie list, and about 10 chapters in it has yet to disappointed.

2.  Movie gift card it toll I ventured to the movie theatre last week to see the Wolverine 3.  It had just come out and had decent rating and to top it off I'm a huge Marvel fan.  I did not have the high hopes however because some of the past Wolverine movies were not that good and it had ninjas.  Not bashing Ninjas but I have never been a huge fan of that genera of movies.  Wolverine however was AWESOME.  Decent story line, awesome action, a ripped Hugh Jackman, and a kick ass strong female character.  I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good fun action movie.  

Oh and I highly encourage one to stay till the middle of the credits, you will not be disappointed and may geek out like I did...

3.  Walking Dead fans mark your calendars!  The awesome show returns October 13th.  The trailer for season 4 was released earlier this month and I have watch it many of times since then.  It is going to be an awesome season, where Rick and the gang continue to "Fight the dead, fear the living."  
*fair warning the trailer does have big spoilers if you have not finished the 3rd season*

p.s. 72 days to go....

4.  Summer around Macomb with almost everyone gone is lonely.  I am highly thankful for those that are in town butI am looking forward to many of these wonderful people in this picture coming back.  

5. Youtube has educational stuff??  Why yes, yes it does thanks to Hank Green brother of John Green who is a well know author.  Hank is into all things science and has the SciShow on Youtube which I highly enjoy.  A branch of of SciShow is SciShow Talk  where you learn about animals and have a guest of the animal type visit.  This is my favorite video (because of the space creature  animal) but I highly recommed watching all of them because all of the animals on the show are really really cool. 

6.  The fact that I finally learned how to do this: (not the dance)

Post I read adding animation to blogger said two things. 1.  It was not possible or  2.  In order to add a GIF you needed to write your own code.  Both of which are not true and adding one is super easy... 

7.  The Show Gator Boys kicked off last week (finally).  It is one of the few show I watch on TV and I love it.  It is educational but has just the right amount of it humor in it.  Also I feel it sets itself apart for other Gator show because they DO NOT kill the animals.  They relocate them mostly by taken them to their park.  Gator Boy is on Animal Planet on Sundays at 9pm.

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